1What is fraud?
Fraud is dishonest activity or potential financial loss to the MVA Fund including theft of moneys or other property by employees or persons external to the Fund. This also includes the deliberate falsification, concealment, destruction or use of falsified documentation used or intended for use for a normal business purpose or the improper use of information.
2The following are examples of fraudulent behaviour:
  • Knowingly submitting a false claim, particularly in cases of unidentified vehicles
  • Providing false information Altering a medical information on claim form
  • Claiming for services which were not given (service providers) and Providing false invoices, medical certificates
  • Providing false documents i.e. birth certificates, marriage certificates e.t.c.
3Actions that may be taken by the Fund:
Following an investigation, the Fund may:

  • Commence criminal proceedings under relevant provisions of the MVA Act 1991 or relevant criminal legislation
  • Issue a letter of caution to the person
  • Determine whether civil action should be taken to recover compensation amounts overpaid
  • Refer the matter to the Royal Swaziland Police, the Directorate of Public Prosecutions (DPP) or any another professional body (including the Law Society, in the case of attorney malpractice)
Any employee found to have engaged in, or concealed any such behaviour, may be disciplined, and their employment may be terminated.
4How to make a report
Should you wish to make a report of fraudulent behaviour or other breaches of the MVA Fund legislation, in the first instance please make contact with the Office of the Chief Executive Officer by calling 2404 7161.