One of the fast-emerging calamities on the road are crashes emanating from the use of cell phones by those who drive be they male or female. All road users, drivers, passengers and pedestrians are not exempt from this traffic sin, the worst being drivers because chatting, calling and texting diverts attention not only from focusing on the road but also by losing the opportunity to scan the road environment when navigating through traffic. Men are the worst culprits for using the cellphone whilst driving because of their dishonest way they relate to the purpose of the gadget. Their counterparts-women, do use the phone when they drive and can simply stop the habit when they ainât under pressure unless they are indulging in their famous, âMulti-tasking Syndrome.â However, most men, especially the married ones are not accessible in their gadgets when their wives are around. He could be in the house over the weekend or back from work. In there are serious, business, personal, and intimate calls, chats and texts coming from various people he cannot answer because he muted the gadget.
No sooner would be a married man out of the door of the house than he would switch on the gadget to loud whilst getting unto the car. From Lavumisa to Mbabane, Gentleman Naughty would be returning calls at times with the vehicle in full speed, meandering through traffic and not adherent to road markings and signage.
Depending on the intensity of the conversation, this guy may slow down in the quest for a fast-moving vehicle because he is captivated by what he is listening to. Lots of crashes have been realized as a results of this irresponsible, selfish, and negligent road use by married men who cannot hold all conversations and respond to all text in the comfort of their sofas and cushions back in the house.
These guys neither have the time nor the patience to pull-off the road to deal with their shenanigans but plunge through traffic and risk everyone âs lives they find in the thick of traffic. By the time they reach their destinations they would have appeased the agitation and anger for those whose calls they missed and text they, ignored whilst languishing in, âIn-house gallows.â
The very guy who was cruising in the morning as he talked on his phone is not in a rush as he drives back home from the office. It would take him double the time on the road to get there as he would be texting to every Marlyn, Margaret and Sosobele whilst on the road and amidst traffic. The guy is oblivious to the queue of vehicles behind him driven by other frustrated motorists because, given the terrain of the road, they cannot be able to overtake his snail-pace moving car. He is not even aware of that because the full attention is on the phone and is gazing at the gadget. Motorists caught in this scenario become impatient and overtake wrongly and crashes are realized.