The Easter holiday is nigh and so is the increase of traffic volumes in many roads through the country. For obvious reasons this time of the year has a way of creating congestion in traffic because everyone is moving from one place to the other so as to enjoy the long holiday. Even the borders of country at all cardinal points are apt to realize an influx of people coming and exiting through our borders. All these would mean nothing if the road were to be used as safely as possible. It is unfortunate that the increase of traffic become synonymous with accident causation because road users would be less adherent to traffic rules, regulations and road markings due to errant driving and irresponsible traffic behavior. There wouldn’t only be irresponsible driving, but excessive speeding, overloading of passengers and goods above vehicle capacity, there would also be driving of unroadworthy vehicles. And one cannot not overlook the fact of inexperienced and untrained drivers forming part of traffic simple because it is Easter, they need to drive a vehicle to this or that place. We pray none of this take place so that we all enjoy a happy Easter Holiday.
One of the temptations to over-speed by drivers is their eagerness to catch up with time. Anybody who has been delayed and started much later than anticipated is apt to make up for the lost time by over-speeding. (s)he may not be alone in that vehicle as there could be passengers as relatives, friends, colleagues or sheer strangers they would have given a ride. Whatever, the circumstances, never over-speed your vehicle for you are running the risk of losing control of the vehicle as you come to cambers, corners and sharp curves of the road. Often times than not, in the event a driver is confronted by the sudden emergence of stationary or moving hazards in their terrific speed they would not avoid crashing unto the object. In the event a car is speeding some of its mechanical defects are exposed and its performance under high speed would be extremely compromised, which directly leads to an accident. Your passengers are the first victims of your negligent driving which may subject them to serious and even fatal injuries. Of course they followed by other road uses who find themselves indulged in your traffic negligence
With the increase of passengers in need for transport, the public service vehicle operators are ever tempted to take more than capacity of their cars. The economic gain exerts pressure that they overload coupled by the demand of passengers that find space in a vehicle already full to the brim. This habit further extends itself to ordinary passengers where a family of say, eight, can cram themselves in a five seater sedan, simple because they all have to go. It cannot be overemphasized how dangerous over loads are because a driver would fail to control a vehicle that is sagging under a massive load. Thus congregants going to services all over the country must ensure they have organized sufficient transport and avoid being overloaded at all costs.
1. Kill your speed or you will kill your passengers
2. Don’t overload, you will lose control of the vehicle.
3. Don’t take chances, be a licensed driver.
4. Check and fix your vehicle’s mechanical faults before you go.
5. Pray before you leave that you safely reach your destination.