Summer is a season that blesses every living creature with rains that nurtures nature all around but, which, at the same time come with a plethora of challenges in the traffic vicinity. The moment rain drops hit on the ground, all road surfaces change for worse and driving becomes extremely dangerous for all road users. It is imperative for all drivers therefore, notwithstanding the sizes, roadworthiness and condition of their vehicles to exercise extreme caution as they drive though the rain or on wet surfaces after it had rained. Most of all it would mean that they reduce speed so as to maneuver and meander around such hazardous objects and circumstances imposed on the road surface by the rains. The saddest aspect of this season is that we continue to realize numerous, serious and even fatal traffic accidents whose causation is almost always due to motorists who fail to comply with the dire, rainy and wet conditions on the road.
No matter how good water drainage can be on the road there would always be water running over its surface when torrents of rain pour over it. A speeding vehicle is most likely to skid on such a condition even if it has a very good pair of tyres. That is aquaplaning, a situation that does not allow the vehicle to tract on the surface because of interference between the road surface and the tyres. In some instances, the tarmac would have been worn out and so soft that the every drops of the rain make skid resistance almost impossible for most cars. For that reason, many drivers lose control in places where water in running along, over across or slanting across the road surfaces. The most effective way to beat such a hazard is or reduce speed thus enhancing the force of gravity for the car avoid skidding. The driver fraternity comes with all levels of experiences some are novice and to understand how dangerous the road surface may be when it rains.
In some road areas there would be stagnant water puddles that are there long after it would have rained. Some motorists would have so little reaction time to control their vehicles before such puddles so much that they would plunge unto them in high speed whereupon they would totally lose control of the vehicle. In some instances, seeing the puddle, one may, in a split second decide to change lanes much to the disadvantage of oncoming traffic. Head on collisions have been realized because this driver switched lanes promptly to avoid, “swimming” in the puddle. It is imperative to scan out the road vicinity as one drives for stationery but temporal hazards like water puddles. That would effectively occur if motorists drive in reasonable speed and compliant to road signs, regulations and markings. The rains may also bring unto the road surface obstacles such as loose sand, piles of mud, twigs, poles and pebbles. They all can be a hazard if not carefully treaded on by the motorists. There is also danger of stumbling across stray animals when it rains because of poor visibility impacted by snow, drizzle and fog.
1. Kill your speed in the rain or you will be killed or kill someone.
2. Ensure road worthiness of your vehicles to with stand rainy conditions.
3. That bridge may have been swept away-don’t cross the river.
4. Don’t plunge unto puddles you will lose control.
5. Respect the pedestrian – don’t splash them with muddy waters.