Contrary to the belief that bad roads cause traffic accidents, there have been numerous crashes in traffic as a direct result of a good beckoning road. For unexplained reasons once a, road users, motorists for that matter tend to over-speed, lose control and cause accidents that may be serious and even fatal. That is evident from the damage realized on the road furniture wherein barriers would be crashed on, guardrails rippled, dangerously hanging on the causeway and screeches of tyres followed by shattered glasses. The direct cause for that would be the driver’s excitement by the open space of a beautiful road. The MR3 Living Waters-Mbadlane Highway is one of such roads. The regulated speed along the same stretch is 120KM/HR, the highest speed ever yet drivers would at times want to double that. Like any other, given the terrain and landscape of the country, it has cambers, curves corners and detours. In respect of same motorists need to regulate and monitor their speed at times way below the stipulated limit. In the process some motorists would even dare to spin their vehicles on the; precarious undertaking.Â
The BLUE HIGHWAY does not permit walkways for pedestrians, tracks for cyclists nor space for athletes. Due to the highest speed regulation for motorists these types of road users are by no means expected to be on the Blue Highway as that may expose them to imminent danger of being knocked by speeding vehicles. From Living Waters where the highway commences to Mbadlane there has been strategic positioning of overhead foot bridges that would allow pedestrians from the neighboring communities to cross over to the other sides for their day to day business so that they can be spared from walking along the highway. Over and above that, the barricades of the road have been complemented with fencing to prevent pedestrians from jumping over then barriers dividing the lanes. Cyclists and athletes are also advised never to use the blue highway for their exercise for the same reasons that they shall be exposed to excessive danger as vehicles are driving at an excessive speed. Below the high way, there are service roads meant for public service vehicles to pick up passengers. Under no circumstances therefore is a transport driver supposed to make stops on the highway so as to pick up commuters.
The road is still work in progress, thus before Living Waters in Manzini where it commences and Mbadlane where it ends, the space is compromised and limited. The erection of the yellow signs in Manzini supersedes the blue signs in informing the road user that construction is going on and change in infrastructure calls for change in driver behavior. Drivers are expected therefore to regulate their speed as per the dictates of the narrow space they would be ushered unto by the Blue Highway. It as much imperative to read, comprehend and comply by the blue signs because they are not only informative but compelling as well. It is imperative to maintain sides and speed that would allow them to effect necessary change of lanes and detours without disturbing traffic and causing accidents
1. Read, comprehend and comply with the blue signs.
2. Pedestrians, cyclists and athletes are not allowed on the blue highway.
3. Public service vehicles must pick and drop pas sengers on the service roads.
4. Dare not spin your car on the blue highway.
5. Kill your speed before you are killed or kill some one.